Sunday, August 17, 2008


Wow, so much to tell, but so little time. So here is the brief update because I can't contain myself. I was entered in the 8-ball Scotch Doubles but had expected to go two and out or maybe win one (one and done or two and BBQ, as they say). But we started off with a bye (always lucky), and won, loss, and then won, and won, and won...and kept winning until finally losing a good match in the quarter finals. Luck of the draw was a big factor, but we played to make the most of that luck. Final finish: 5th place. Payout: $1,000.

Drink of celebration: Double scotches, of course.


Unknown said...

Congrats girl. Went two and out in my scotch doubles> Missing key shots not the way to win tourny Sounds like you had a good trip

Michael McCafferty said...

That's HUGE!


I guess that means that now you're a Pro and won't be allowed to play with the rest of us amateurs.

Congratulations, big time.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! :-)

poolminnow said...

Thanks, all. Making the key shots is well...key. Although we missed plenty of them, thankfully so did our opponents. And whenever we got a second chance we really made the most of it. Here's to being good enough to be lucky.

I'm in the airport now on my way home. Both saddened and relieved that the week is over!