Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Sound of Second Loss Slapping

My first, and only match on the one loss side. The case game started off with me breaking and coming heartbreakingly close to an 8 on the break and finishing with me playing safe with both of us with two balls left. My opponent didn't have a makable shot, so she just whacked at it....and slopped something in and ran out. Ugh.

This was especially painful because I should have won the first game as well, but scratched on the 8. I knew that the cue ball was headed to the side pocket, but didn't hit it hard enough to actually get there. All the spectators were kind of amazed that the cue ball just kept rolling. But I should have known better because, that had been happening the whole game. Yesterday's table was like shooting on astroturf and today's was like an ice rink. I should have made more adjustments to my game, start hitting a little below center.

I was nervous, but my stroke was pretty smooth and consistent. My only aargh! moments were when the cue ball didn't stop when it should have. So, I feel okay about today.

Its a little maddening to watch the final round of a tournament and think, a ball here a ball there, a little less follow, a little more speed and I could have won this thing. I should have won this thing. My opponent from the first day went all the way, and I so had her, but I dawged it. Twice. She managed to have the luck and the cool to win under pressure. This weekend, I didn't. But with my first "big" tournament under my belt, I still believe that I suck a little less at pool each and every day.

1 comment:

CueTable said...

Dear friend:

I just noticed your great pool blog while browsing the net.

I would like to show you a cool way to show shot layouts directly inside of your blog. This will greatly enhance your readers' experience while reading your posts. Once you have a layout embedded in a post. We will broadcast them through our internet shot browser to more pool players around the net. From there they can jump right into your post with a simple click.

Some top professional players such as Mika Immonen and Thorsten Hohmann have already embraced this new technology. You are welcome to check them out at:

For more information on how CueTable works in blogs, please check:

Our goals at CueTable are to encourage clear communication among a newer generation of players, to promote ideas of sharing within the billiard community, and to display heathy messages of pool to the general public. Let's work together and share all the great ideas and fun with everyone!

Please feel free to contact us if you have any comments or suggestions.

Thank you.

ps. here is a layout you can use to test:

<iframe src=",_Efren_needed_only_one_ball_to_win._Alex_banked_the_2_and_ran_5_more_after_to_catch_up._He_ened_up_knocking_Efren_out_of_his_thorne.&ZZ@" noresize="noresize" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" frameborder="no" width="660" height="430" ></iframe>